24: Live Another Day “Day 9: 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.” Review (9×05)

26 May


Well, 24 is on quite a roll right now, isn’t it?

One of the most aggravating things about the show in the past has been its penchant for dragging out storylines beyond any semblance of common sense, wringing character situations past the point the audience has any interest. Here, though, Live Another Day is using its 12-episode season to cut down on much of the unnecessary business, and it’s better off for it.

Much of this episode contains people doing sensible things, not arguing when they’d normally argue, and not being stupid when they shouldn’t be stupid. Okay, there are certainly still some questionable decisions, but it’s refreshing to see this, as ridding itself of filler only serves to ramp up the tension tenfold. Keep this up, 24.

Throughout the hour, our stories become even more interconnected, both literally and thematically. Jack’s brought in front of the Hellers, and his scenes with Heller and Audrey are two of the best of the episode. Both emphasize the history shared between the three, and it fits in with a common thread this season: the past influencing how we’re viewed in the present, how we act and how we structure our motivations. It’s the case for Margot al-Harazi, our villain, and it’s the case for people like Kate and Chloe. It’s especially resonant for Jack Bauer, whose past has broken him down to the point where his relationships are straining at the edges. However, there’s still room for apologies and acknowledgments and justice.

The episode in general is tension-filled, finally bringing Navarro out to the field, forcing Heller to deal with even more moral complications, and dispatching of Naveed in a storyline that’s become surprisingly effective. What makes the episode even more impressive is that Jack is mostly confined to a room, and we’re left with the decisions and actions of the other characters. Margot al-Harazi’s becoming an even bigger threat, and as we progress in the season, our characters will have their work cut out for them.



-Kate had a husband, and he did bad stuff. We get it, show.

-RIP, Naveed. You were never going to make it out alive, anyway.

-If not for Sutherland and Raver, Jack and Audrey’s reunion scene probably would’ve been a bit too strange for me to be affected by it. Lots of interesting forehead and nose touching there.

Photo credit: 24: Live Another Day, FOX

One Response to “24: Live Another Day “Day 9: 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.” Review (9×05)”


  1. Review Roundup: 24 Live Another Day Episode 5 - 24 Spoilers - May 27, 2014

    […] Polar Bears Watch TV (A-): “Well, 24 is on quite a roll right now, isn’t it?” […]

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