Tag Archives: Jeffrey Wright FBI agent cameo Game Night

Game Night Review

24 Feb

A decently fun time at the movies, but in no way some kind of unsung comedy gem. Everyone in the initial game night group not played by Bateman or McAdams is fine but ultimately unnecessary, with exhibit A being a running joke about sleeping with a celebrity. Additionally, the film is a bit too haphazard with its twists and tones, but not in the “controlled madness” way I love. Michael C. Hall probably should’ve had more to do.

When it’s funny, though, it’s funny. Bateman and McAdams share a fantastic scene revolving around a bullet removal, and Plemons delivers some great deadpan. I have at least four other Kyle Chandler performances I’d choose over this one, but I think people are finally realizing that he can be a hell of a lot of fun. That sly grin worked wonders in The Wolf of Wall Street.