Tag Archives: Veronica switching Kendall’s iPod gym Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars Season 2, Episodes 3-5 Review

7 Sep

vm 2.04


Attempting to juggle too many plot points can come back to bite a show, but as of right now, it’s pretty entertaining watching Veronica Mars break from its season one structure to try something new. We’re getting cliffhangers left and right, Aaron Echolls is being brought back into the fold through Curly Moran, and cases of the week are being interwoven with multiple overarching plots. Aside from a karaoke scene that goes on for way too long, this episode is really great, especially when it focuses on Cassidy’s relationship with his family or the tensions between Duncan, Logan, and Veronica (with some Kendall stuff now thrown in). On the Duncan-Logan note, it’s easy to see where exactly this conflict is coming from based on what we know about the characters, and we can probably draw a line connecting their relationship around the Jake Kane accusation period to accusations leveled at Logan recently. Logan prides loyalty, but he feels like he’s not getting any from Duncan.

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